domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2008

How do you say "luz ceniciente" in English?

This is the light that the Earth reflects over the moon, and which illuminates slightly its dark side.
This photograph of this kind of light in a young waxing moon was taken by the photographer and translator of the APOD Laurent Laveder from the remote observatory form Pic duMidi in France.
This reflection dues mainly to the layer of clouds which covers the Earth and recent studies about this terrestrial shine show that is more marked in April and May. A description of this shine in terms of light that is reflected from the moon, was written five hundred years ago by Leonardoda Vinci.

2 comentarios:

LEO dijo...

I´ve thouhgt that the word were "cenicienta" or something like that. If someone wants to know more about light and probably about cosmic rays I have some articles about.

José Luis dijo...

Well, i just asked about it because I couldm't find it after searching it in several sources. So if you know, just answer.