lunes, 6 de octubre de 2008

World Wide Crisis

The World wide market crisis.

It's not news the fact that the global economy is falling to pieces now a days, the stock markets are suffering several losses, and finnancial institutions cant find the way to stop falling.
Last october 30th, the house of representatives of United States, fallied to approve a 700 000 million dlls program to rescue the finnacial sector, proposed in first instance by P. George W. Bush.
As the days pass, the downpeek seems to get deeper, and there's nothing world can do to stop it; even oil is lowering its price, so the first thing we have to realize is that we are on a very big crisis, and its bigger than the other ones because the amount of money that's in jeopardy its bigger than in the past, due the level of finnancial transactions we reached since 2003 till now.
Second, we also have to realize that this means a enourmous change in the global economy, experts still don't know how this changes are going to afect people lifes, or how it's going to happend.
At last the only thing we can be certain of is the fact that this crisis is going to impact our way of living, reducing our spectatives of reaching our economic goals at a short and long term

1 comentario:

Verónica Poujol dijo...

Hi Carlos,
I read your comment on the World crisis (mark:10) but I still can not find anything about 'Casanova in volcano'.
So far, you have one participation in your blog and the book report I have not been able to reach. Would you please just print it and give it to me,
