viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2008

Clarifcations about my posts

Ok, I've made this comment because the you told me that you didn't remember my blog. So here, I add the photograph of my grade. The problem was that at the begining I didn't have a work team so I made my own blog, actually as you can see in the picture below, you checked it (click on the image to enlarge). During the second part of the semester I joined this team and added my comments to this blog. The past wednesday you told me you hadn't see my posts, I think that you have the wrong blog adress and you are checking my other blog. Please, check my grade.

P.S. My entries say 'by Emmanuel Tapia' in green at the end

that is my other blog, the one that you have checked.
P.S.3. Thank you for your comments

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