viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2008

Learning about our country

The huapango is the name of a Mexican musical style and the accompanying lively dance of Spanish origin that is especially popular in the lands along the Gulf of Mexico. The huapango is a rhythmic style of the Son Huasteco genre. Its roots can be traced in the south spanish flamenco.
The classical trio huasteco brings together a violin, a quinta (a big guitar) and a jarana (guitar-looking, but with 8 chords). The classical huapango is characterized by a complex rhythmic structure which reflect the intricate steps of the dance . When the players sing (in duo, on a falsetto tone) the violin stops, and the zapateo gets soft. The huapango is danced by men and women as couples; the men sing, the women don't.
I think that we must learn about Mexico, because sometimes we are interested in other cultures and we don't know the greatness Mexican culture. I added a picture of a couple dancing in the Cervantin Festival, in Guanajuato.

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